Monday 17 September 2012

Procreation of corruption

Procreation of Corruption.
The muffled punch line of the essay is “Decline in the character of masses breeds’ corruption”. It is an obvious fact and hardly a person can deny it that the decline in the character of masses breeds corruption as we never say charactered corrupt person.  Either, he can be charactered or corrupted. The purpose is actually to know why and how? First of all let me come back to the punch, it has two major things and one process in it.
Character and corruption are the major things and breeding is the process.
Character: the best definition of character in a gist is what distinguishes and differentiates a person from others and Corruption can be explained as the illegitimate, bad, dishonest behavior by a human especially to those who are in power and do wrong with their authorities.
Breeding means to produce, to give birth.
This process starts by the decline in the character of an individual. Then it turns to the decline in the character of a particular group in a society then at last breeds and muffles the whole society with the evil of corruption. The most dangerous evil in a society is corruption as the basic work of it is destruction of progress in a nation.  Now, the question is why the decline of character happens in an individual. I have written five points to aware us why really an individual’s character gets polluted.
1.      Artificiality in the human behavior
2.      Toiling others dreams and desires
3.      Race for rising of classes and standards
4.      Lack of moral education in our education system.
5.      Ignorance of religious obligations

First: Artificiality in the human behavior:
Once a person starts to find the peace in artificial things like the luxuries and gets behind the mundane things makes himself artificial. I remember my 12th classes’ chapter C V Raman A celebrated genius where at a point he says” try not to find the happiness in going to cinemas, watching dramas but try to find the peace and happiness in natural things like I do walking on green grass miles barefoot and even in drinking a cold glass of water after exercise”. The chapter was best example for us as he was the same person who was been provided with the vice president-ship of India but he rejected it. He was a visionary person and was knowing that with big authorities come big responsibilities and if he cannot come up to the expectations, it may mar his character.

Second: Toiling for others dreams and desires:
It is said “to be happy you must not be too concerned with others”. Once your wife started to give you curtain lectures for bringing her a gold necklace and your children’s’ dreams become a nut to crack for you. You start doing things without minding whether the path you are adopting is right or wrong. We must adopt this technique as well that let us not be too concerned to the happiness of others which later can snatch the real peace from our heart.

Third:  Race for rising of classes and standards:
Rats race what we call it. This thing I believe is the major cause for the decline in the character of masses. This is a time tested age old wisdom, which is unfortunately forgotten in today’s world and culture. We must understand one thing: our life, our tastes, expectations and most importantly our class and standard is our own. Why should we stretch ourselves too thin to race for rising our classes and standards? There has been never saturation in the field of economy since the time Adam was created by God! Why should we take credit cards if we aren’t having capabilities to repay them? Let us remember one old saying “cut the coat according to the clothes”.

Forth: Lack of moral education in our system
This thing further results in non-adoption of moral values and principles. See we can’t deny it that
This is also an issue with our system that we are creating doctors who steal kidneys, we are creating teachers who are gathering wool in the classes, and we create engineers who make bridges with an expiry date… Ah! The only reason is that they were not taught science, Mathematics with lessons of sincerity, fraternity, honesty and most of all religion that covers all.

Fifth: Ignorance of religious obligations
You might be thinking that why did I put religion as the fifth point. It is indeed a truth that who are sincere in our system are people who are morally strong and who are aware of their religious obligation. E.g. As a Muslim our beloved Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said “ who gives and takes bribe is cursed by Almighty Allah” So keeping this staunchest commandment of Prophet(SAW) in mind with a pragmatic approach, I’ll never do wrong to myself, provided I am  a practicing Muslim.

This was about the first process of breeding which made us aware how and why the decline of character occurs in a person. Now the 2nd thing is that how it breeds corruption. The decline of character doesn’t directly breeds corruption but give rise to four new evils. They are:

1.      Individualism: where a person thinks much about himself then his nation.
2.      Materialism: where a person gets dominated by the mundane desires and luxuries. Or in simpler words, he becomes a worldly man and removes all the essence of spirituality.
3.      Nepotism: where a person with a high authority stations his own relatives on higher posts so that his authority remains unanswerable and unaccountable.
4.      Favoritism: where a person does favor being dishonest and insincere with others.

And At last the breeding process gets completed and an evil takes birth which is baptized with the name of CORRUPTION!

Primarily, its eradication is up to those who believe that they are good men as Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for an evil to succeed is that good men do nothing” and Albert Einstein also stated the same but in a different manner, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”
Further, one more tested strategy can shoulder us to uproot the evil that I learnt from  a lecture of Mr. Safdhar Samoon in a conference which I witnessed at IMPA where he said, “The quickest way of getting corruption eradicated is to bring the middle class of our society in Administration”. The thought really touched my and others’ heart as it was giving a compendium of that great thought “ All great men have belonged to middle class families”.
And the initiate can be taken by approaching practically to the philosophy: Live True! Live Original!

Waqas Khan

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