Monday 17 September 2012

Present scenario of Journalism in Kashmir

Present scenario of Journalism in Kashmir
‘I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, Journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon’.-Tom Stoppard
It is of great significance to talk over the present scenario of Journalism in Kashmir for our basic learning of the soul and spirit of Journalism. The present Journalism in Kashmir can be discussed and conferred in different perspectives. To make the perspective and context chronologically ordered, I have summarized the contents of my writing. They are:
1.      An introduction and role of Journalism in Kashmir through the pages of History.
2.      Core understanding of ongoing Journalism in Kashmir.
3.      Compendium by the Author.
An introduction of Journalism in Kashmir through pages of History
Journalism has been always referred as the promoter and propagator of mental and intellectual freedom. When man learnt the significance of liberalization, freedom of speech and expression, it became quite obvious that a spark had to start to seethe the movement of revolution, for liberalizing the man, primarily to express his thoughts and expressions. As said by Allama Iqbal: ‘jab talak insan hua khud shinaso khud  nigar’ . From the summoners of revolution or the consolidators of internal mutinies of Europe, the need of Journalism emerged and evolved and smouldered a new intellect from Europe to the corners of world, as well as to British India and its boundaries. Though, we can’t defy the fact that it commenced its operations as a tool of the elite class or the ruling class and policy makers, but also helped and aired itself to the limited intellectual who had known the power of dignity for their expressions at individual concern and society collectively. As we have an example in the folio of history of Kashmir that first source of Journalism in Kashmir emerged from the ruling power- a newspaper called ‘budiya bias’ by Maharaja in 1856 just before the revolt of 1857. The intellect was not common at large due to lack of literacy, so the ice breakers of the time started the tool as definer of a society. Mainly for the purpose of raising the voice and matters of masses who were always denied the right of freedom of expression and speech, for their forefathers had been living in a state of slavery for centuries. We have numerous examples afterwards which expounds that hard striving and struggle was made to define a community. Starting with the newspaper like ‘Akhbaar-e-Kashmir’ by Mohammad Din Fauk or ‘Khairkh-e-kashmir’ by Hargopal Khastar and later by the firm determination of Pandit Prem Nath Bazaz in field of Journalism. To take the reader through history; is for a purpose to introspect and retrospect the actual objective of the people who  started the toiling of Journalism in Kashmir. Although, there have been certain flaws in the early period of Journalism, like communal imbalance and personal rivalry, if we keep the ethics at par. But the fierce eater of ethics of Journalism were not there- the heinous monetary benefits and commercialization. It is indeed necessary to note that the Journalism was taken more like an adventure, a sport, a thrill, a social mission, a definer of community, a common thought sharer, where the Journalist used to even practice at the peril of their lives, than only a money minting machine. The purpose to take the reader through the journey of history is to speculate, conceptualize and forecast the change of role and practice that has rooted itself and is growing in our society where Journalism is termed as the forth estate of democracy.
Core understanding of ongoing Journalism in Kashmir
Verily, we can not deny progress and the development of Journalism in Kashmir in terms of technology, availability and accessibility, diversity in reporting, convergence etc; but at the same instance we see and observe a lot of deterioration of principles, element and ethics of Journalism. In contrast of  history, where the sources were limited, but the ethics were elite and were not effected by the materialistic benefits and vested interested, we see that being very mighty in sources, the Journalism, not only in Kashmir but at large in the world is misusing and carving its vested interests through powerful weapon of Journalism. It is turning to its same direction as it started, to the capitalists, elite and ruling class of the nation. Making this discussion confined to our region of Kashmir, the Kashmiri media, excluding some of the elements like books and online at an extent, is in the hard struggle of a revolution. A revolution, not only in content or thinking but a revolution in production technique and commercialization. Media anywhere in the world is treated and termed as an industry. A body or the organization which is primarily meant for the commercial purpose either by branding its content with dramatization or by making it loyal to a particular ideology who wants to get his powerful vested interests successful. If we have a look to our ranked English dailies, we see ratio of editorials and advertisings been turned upside down. Sometimes, they don’t even stand to their names they have baptized their newspapers with. A layman can even opine that the name should be changed from ‘Greater Kashmir’ to ‘commercializing Kashmir’. Though, it is against the ethics to quote someone so openly, but being a laymen and a budding Journalist, I find it quite proper to be bold to visualize the reality then being an audacious denier of truth. We experience and observe that either the ideological wars happening or the striving for the inculcation of a new ideology is being done. The clear purpose of Journalism is concealed and pushed down; the purpose of being unbiased, liberal, unprejudiced and a clear reflector of society.
There came an article on a blog by Divya Singla on Sep ’09 2008. She writes, “The gap between mass media and mass reality is growing at an alarming pace. Nowadays media is primarily focusing only “the elite” section of society. How much does the unforgettable tour of the Bachchans affect us? And how much would a disaster like Bihar floods affect the people? Yet, the media is more interested in focusing on what should be printed on page 3. Ask yourself, does page 3 mean more than the realities of life? Though the role and importance of media is increasing in our lives today, it’s sad that its accountability and professionalism is dwindling. “With great power comes great responsibility”. Television channels in a bid to increase their TRP ratings are resorting to sensationalized Journalism with a view to earn a competitive edge over the others. Sting operations have now become the order of the day.
Journalism is losing its basic purpose of connecting to the masses. Journalists of today are forgetting that their responsibility is to report even mundane social issues in an interesting way so that they sell and not target only the glamorous and jazzy world of fashion and fame to increase their TRP’s.
If we now go through the pages of our newspapers; (mainly, because unfortunately we don’t have except intentions for  satellite channels and our Radio channels like 102.7FM and 92.7FM, they either are Pro-Govt. or mainly meant for entertainment) we saw so much of follow up and reporting were done for the film shooting of uncrowned king of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan. The food menu even was discussed on the front pages of our so called leading newspapers of vale. Was it more important to discuss the coming of Shahrukh Khan which was wholly for the commercial purpose and may be a set up by New Delhi to suppress the actual problem and presenting a clear picture under the sun, than the serious issues like unmarked graves, custodial killings, fake encounters, juvenile arrests etc and even Kashmir conflict itself? The bias is clear by contrasting the content of our newspapers.
 There are several reasons that can be discussed even. Besides the commercialization of Journalism; the prime reasons to have such a biased, stereotyping approach and prejudiced nature are: Kashmir as a conflict zone, the Geo-political issues of Indo-Pak, national media propagandas, pro central and state government slants etc.  
            Talking about the convergence or new media or the online media in Kashmir, it is verily very important to discuss it in regard of current and contemporary Journalism in Kashmir. With the advent of convergence or new media, it has helped a lot for reviving the original principles, objectives and ethics of Journalism, but on the other side has given birth to some problems like unprofessionalism, citizen Journalism, MOJO etc.
            Let us briefly perceive the optimistic parts of convergent Journalism in Kashmir. If we remember the recent turmoil of 2008 and 2010 where Kashmir was on boil and bleeding peace and besides that, in so called democratic set up of India wasn’t allowing to protest, even worst to that was not allowing local media who were portraying the correct picture of turmoil to people of Kashmir; it was the omnipotence and omnipresence of convergence or online or new media that provided bleeding and unheard Kashmiris to raise their voice, protest and visualize the actual picture and suffering of Kashmiris done by the brutal so titled security forces to the whole world through Social Networking sites, blogger sites and podcasting sites as well.
            Other major element of Journalism which has always played the major role in mobilizing a revolution is books. Books have been to a larger extent termed as reliable and authentic source of knowledge, information and media as well. There are numerous example from past to present in our peerless valley where our intellectuals have kept the ethics and social mission of Journalism alive, or in other words we can say ‘the sacred profession of Journalism alive’. We have examples of our contemporary times like ‘the Curfewed Night’- by Basharat Peer, ‘the collaborator’ by Mirza Waheed, ‘Until my freedom has come’- by Sanjay Kak and many others which have kept the conscience and faith among the masses alive for Journalism.
Compendium by the Author:
            I can summarize, rather I have tried to make it so lucid and comprehensive for the reader to summarize with a creation of an idea that how the role of media has changed and trickled down through pages of history to this ongoing age of Journalism. It can be also observed that the profession was more like a holy practice then just the source of earning bread and butter. The contrast also shows us that Journalism was good enough to mould the public opinion to mobilize a revolution or shoulder an ideology which was in best interests of masses. No doubt, the contemporary media is even better then the past to mould the public opinion but still not powerful to mobilize a revolution, just because of the reasons discussed earlier. The reader can also perceive that contemporary media is gaining laurels in certain elements but at the same time the elements which have large accessibility; like TV, Newspapers, radio etc is not performing the correct and prescribed ideal job of Journalism. Taking a look on convergence, it can be also said if the ethics and principles of Ideal Journalism will be maintained, it can make itself a powerful tool and reviving agent or hero of an Ideal Journalism due to its large accessibility. Books have been always the great role players for the revival of perfect and supreme Journalism. I observe and opine under the visions, knowledge and imagination that unless and until the forth estate of democracy, Mass Media or Journalism, be made and given a freedom and opportunity of initiative to define and reflect the community in a right perspective and light, the dream of a strong, pacific and Ideal Nation is not possible, after all it is masses that makes a Nation.
I conclude leaving the reader with a thought to ponder over:
I am sensitive to the value of faith and religion and spirituality in people's lives because I'm a Journalist.-Peter Jennings


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