Sunday 3 February 2013

"The Inevitable Caliphate"

"The Inevitable Caliphate"

"Takhleeq huwi Aadam ki, ik Na'ib Kay Garz Se;
nadaan samaj betha hai ki farishtigi Matloob hai"

-Waqas Kh'an

And when your Lord said to the angels: I am making a caliph on the Earth. They said: Are You making therein one who corrupts it and sheds blood, while we hymn Your praise and sanctify You? He said: Surely I know that which you do not know (Al-Baqara, 2: 30).
In explaining the meaning of this verse, Al-Siyouti mentioned that Allah decided to make Adam as
His caliph, successor, on Earth, to succeed Him in implementing His rules.

Prophetic narration:

“There will be Prophethood for as long as Allah wills it to be, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be caliphate on the Prophetic method and it will be for as long as Allah wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be biting Kingship for as long as Allah Wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be oppressive kingship for as long as Allah wills, then he will remove it when He wills, and then there will be caliphate (once again) upon the Prophetic method”

Narrated by Imam Ahmad, and is considered authentic by normative Islamic scholarship

A: The hadith indicates that there will be no difference in the rule after the Prophet , in the sense that the Khilafah after him will be based upon his methodology (Khilafah Ala Minhajin Nubuwwah), and follow his example. So there is unity between the Prophetic methodology and the methodology of the successors in applying the rule of Islam, with the only difference being the end of the revelation which was completed before the passing of the Prophet.

B: The "biting Kingship (Mulukiyat)" refers to the misapplication of the taking of the pledge of allegiance, which was taken by force and then subsequently handed down by hereditary rule rather than by consent as exemplified to us by the example of the Prophet and the first four Khulafaa.

C: The "oppressive Kingship (Mulkiyyan Jabriyyan)" is the period of time when the Muslims were ruled by those whose rule was based upon Islam but were oppressive upon the people, as indicated by the Prophet in other narrations that the Muslims should obey their leader even if he whips their backs as long as he does not order them to commit sin. Some of the scholars like Dr. Israr(R) and others have analyzed it as the colonial rule where in the Muslims under the sun were under serious oppressive kingship.

D: The last part of the hadith is a glad tiding for the Muslim Ummah, a prophecy that there will again be Khilafah established, with the Will of Allah, based upon the Prophetic methodology (Khilafah Ala Minhajin Nubuwwah)

''Western Politicians about Caliphate and the threat they have''

George W. Bush
President of the United States 2001-09

"This caliphate would be a totalitarian Islamic empire encompassing all current and former Muslim lands,
stretching from Europe to North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia," (2006)

Charles Clark
British Home Secretary 2004-06

"There can be no negotiation about the re-creation of the Caliphate; there can be no negotiation about the imposition of Sharia law" (2005)

Allen West
U.S. Representative for Florida's 22nd congressional district 2011

“This so-called ‘Arab Spring’ is less about a democratic movement, than it is about the early phase of the restoration of an Islamic caliphate, the last being the Ottoman Empire” (2011)

Franco Frattini Italian Foreign
Minister 2002-11

"Can you imagine having an Islamic Arab emirate on the borders of Europe? This would be a really serious threat" (2011)

Islamic Scholars and Leaders

Sheikh Mohammad
Bakhit Al-Mutee'i Mufti of Egypt 1915-20

“The claim of the extinction of the caliphate in Islam is not correct, and  rather the only thing that has become
extinct is the presence of the caliph, and as for the caliphate, it still remains obligatory upon the Muslim  nation” (1925)

Sheikh Muhammad al-Khidr Hussein 

Head of Al-Azhar 1952-4

"It is not correct for a caliph to be represented by a body created simply for the name - rather all the scholars stated that the caliph is an individual who remains in his position as long as he retains the approval of the Muslim nation, so it is far different from a despotic rule" (1925)

Imam Hasan al-Banna 

Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwanul Muslimoon)

"The caliphate is the sign of Islamic unity, and the manifestation of the connection between the Islamic
peoples, and an Islamic symbol which the Muslims are obligated to think about, and to be concerned with its
issue" (1940)

Sheikh Taqiudeen al-Nabahani
Founder of Hizb-ut-Tahrir

"The Islamic State is the caliphate...[it] is a human state and not a theocratic or godly is clear that the caliph is a person, who can either be correct or make mistakes...he needs the Muslim nation to account him, and either he changes, or they change him" (1954)

"Meri zindagi ka maqsad teri deen ki sarfarazi
mai isi liye musalman hu mai isiliye namazi"

-Allama Iqbal(R)

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