Friday 14 December 2012

Basic Presentation Skills

presentation skills are very substantial and significant in many spheres of work and life. Effective presentation skills are very important in business, marketing, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Presentation skills are extremely helpful in development of confidence and personality. Why do we see a difference in cost of Barbeques in a Stall and famous restaurant? It is not the taste that makes the contrast but the way of its presentation.  It is not a herculean task to be good in presentation. Anybody can give a good presentation or deliver a speech of a very professional and impressive standard, if he will imbibe in him some specific and fundamental presentation skills. It just needs a bit of organized preparation and practice. There can be numerous kinds of presentations, for example: oral speeches, multimedia speeches (using audio visuals, etc), power point presentations, lectures etc; but every successful presenter or speaker uses some basic presentation skills, which are briefly summarized as under:
Before the delivery: The speaker should organize his speech keenly before its delivery. The speech must have three parts, Introduction, Core and conclusion. There should not be repetitions in the speech. The most important thing in organizing the speech is that it should be kept under the time limit. Before a speaker commences its talk, he should give a brief introduction about himself and also a general briefing of the topic. He must keep the “KISS” rule in mind, which suggests that a speaker should Keep It Simple and Straight. He should be very well aware about his ethical responsibilities like; his talk should not hurt the sentiments of audience. He should overcome his fears and phobias before the speech. He should train himself to avoid the distracting mannerisms, like playing with the buttons of his shirt or scratching his head, again and again.
Basic manner techniques (Presentation Skills)
Facial expression
The most impressive tool of a speaker is his face. Facial expression determines how much a speaker is confident. Smile is suggested as one the general effective facial expression. If the speech is not asking for a smile, one must not wear then. Sometimes, the semantics of the word is delivered by your facial expressions and not by the word itself.
Eye contact
The connector between the spectators and the audience are the eyes. If a speaker ignores the eye to eye contact, he loses the attention of the audience. Public speakers have suggested that most important tool for a speaker to make his speech winsome and peachy is his eye contact with the audience.
Body Language
The hardest part in the delivery of speech is to maintain the language of your body. The language of body or body language is termed as Kinesis. It is very substantial for a speaker to keep his body still while delivering a speech. His movement of hands or hand gestures makes a great impact on the onlookers. The position of hands is very important to learn. One can keep his hands on dais, if available, but his body should stand upright. It he is holding a free mike, he should walk at a very low pace and should try to mingle with the audience.
Voice Modulation, Pauses and intonations
These are the calligraphic tools of the speech. While writing text, we use many tools to highlight, bold, italicize or underline; but, in a speech we don’t use such things. In alternative we are blessed with tools like our voice. We can play with its pitch, high or low, as per our need. If we are supposed to give stress on any word or sentence, we can intonate that word. And at times, if we have to grab the attention of the audience, what better we can do than doing a pause for a while, as Martin Fraquhar Tupper says, “Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech.”
Language and Grammar
We must be very well aware about the usage of grammar and language. If we are assigned with a formal speech, then we must use formal language and grammar. For example: we cannot use ‘Where it comes from?’ but ‘Where does it come from?” Similarly, we cannot use words like ‘Guys and Gals’ but ‘Boys and girls’ or ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’. We must be quite known to the nature of speeches. If a speech is entertaining, then we should not bother about the formality of grammar or language.
Pronunciation and Accent
If we are second language speakers of a particular language, we must keep in mind to use a neutral accent and proper pronunciation. We shouldn’t try to imitate the native speakers of that language. It can cause irritation to the audience. For example; if we have to deliver a speech in English, which is our second language, we should not copy the accent and pronunciation of English; rather we should use our accent ‘Hinglish’ with proper articulation of words.
Motivation and sense of Humor
These two human skills are very essential for a speaker to imbibe in his speech. This presentation skill decides how much long lasting effect of your speech is going to be on your audience. The speaker should make it sure to himself that his audience must leave with something to remember. Motivation toils there to do that task. Your sense of humor is one more effective exercise to make your audience to remember you for a longer period. The more your delivery is entertaining, the more successful your purpose of speech becomes.
In conclusion, I wish to leave reader with quote to ponder over,
“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel” - Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Social Aims,” 1875

My Initial Urdu quotes

1.      "Kya ajab khaile qudrat hai maula teri,
wo arfa murda dil banadiya, y eid dulhan banadi meri" 
waqas Khan

2.      "Mazi Wo Khwab khwab tha, hoti kya chasme pur aab;
baarha barasta Lahu ab, karta hai haqeeqat se ashnaab" 
Waqas Khan

3.      “karta hai mehboob tawaqqa muhabat e lasani se;
qurb e ikhtitam hai ye, ku gafil hai kahani se"
waqas Khan

4.      “Khuwahan kabi na tha taleem e nahaw o Sarf ka,
atayi hai sarapa tadrees e sitm o zar ki” 
waqas Khan

5.      "Beth ke bag-e-nishat mai Phir yad aya aj,
tha jo lamha wajha ik nisf kahani ka"
waqas Khan

6.      "Kya ajab fayl hai, tera maskhare sukoon;
ik lamhe muhabbat ke lye, mustaqil chashma e khoon" 
waqas Khan

7.      “Israf e zindagi kia Unko samajne mai,
ilzam nasamaj ka tha, Samaj na paye" 
waqas Khan

8.      “Ba jurrat qalb hai mera, Bahre ishq mai dhoob gaya;
Faqat wo kastoora talaash hai, ataa kare jo Moti mera”
Waqas Khan
Courageous is my heart, it drowned deep into the ocean of love;
My search is confined to that oyster, which will labor forth my pearl

9.      Quds tera muntazir, khuwahan hai ab bhi khorasaan,
Haramain ka shaheen tha, aflaq thi teri udaan
Waqas Khan (in memory of Sheikh usama bin laden)

10. Tagoot ki nusrat hui,  hai mashgool dahre fani;
Mastaane musalman awwal, baad yahood o nasrnai
Waqas Khan

NGO sector in India

NGO is a non-governmental organization independent of government and business. It can be a charity, an association etc. It is a Non-profit and Non-trading organization. It is a private sector voluntarily and usually non-sectarian organization that constitutes to, or participates in, cooperation projects, education, training or other humanitarian progressive or watchdog activities. The NGOs work to establish vigilance over the government sectors and toils to make it transparent in its executive function of policy making.  Some of them are accredited by the UN, like Mercy corps, and some collect donations for distribution among disadvantaged or distressed people, some of the major worldwide NGOs include International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Chamber of commerce (ICC), and International Committee of the Red Cross etc.

NGO sector in India
The NGO sector toils to perform a significant job in the development of a country. The Indian NGO domain or the Indian voluntary sector is thriving to be a strong force in growing the nation’s social and economic growth, mainly for the people at the lower level at economic domain. If India is to gain, as is foretold, the standard of living of the first world by 2030, the NGO sector would need to play a substantial task and ought to grow at a swift pace than that the current speed of Indian economy. In democratic country like India, NGOs have a substantial role to perform.
            NGO culture in India is at a high rate. There is a mushrooming growth of NGOs in India that is resulting also in inefficiency of works of NGOs. The fraudulent has resulted in the trust deficit between the public and NGOs. Mainly in the rural areas of our country, the NGOs are executing lesser functions than the money generation they do. NGO sector in India needs a proper watch by the government and media. Though, some of the functions of notable NGOs are praiseworthy, but there are many other who are NGOs for namesake.
Main functions performed by the NGO sector of India
1.      Most Non government organizations are involved in aid and relief. In the times of natural calamities, they perform much significant function like the distribution of food, clothing, medicines and temporary shelters.

2.      Other Non government organizations have a major task in developing human recourses among minorities by
·        Delivering services at the local level
·        Helping community organizations
·        Promoting education, and working for intangible benefits such as crucial self esteem.

3.      Many are primarily strong in addressing issues at the community level such as:
·        Adult education
·        Income generation
·        Organization of savings and credit societies
·        Primary health care agricultural production
4.      Proper distribution of Government made policies to the general public.
·        Campaigning about the schemes
·        Human assistance
·        Connection building to the authorities
·        Vigilant watch over the performance of executive functions of the scheme holders.

In praise of Qaid e Inqilab Syed Ali Geelani “The dweller of prison”

In praise of Qaid e Inqilab Syed Ali Geelani
“The dweller of prison”

Tu mujahide islam, mufakkir e azaddi hai;
Tu baa qafas bee lagta azaad panchi hai,

Ta waqt tere muntazir  afraad e vaadi hai;
Ki Nida teri saraapa har asr mai azaadi hai

Muntazir galbae khilafat hai, tera tariqa jihadi hai;
Maqsad teri zindagi ka, faqat islam ki azaadi hai

Muhaafiz tera khuda hai, darayega kya tuje tagoot
Mehboob tera Mustafa (SAW), Allah (Swt) tera Mabood

Khuwahish nai waqas? Bayaa kare us se khayal apna
kya maloom hai, haqeeqat banjaye tera, ab talak ka sapna

Human Development Index (HDI)

HDI is an acronym which stands for human development index. HDI is a merged data of living, education and income index in arranging a country’s level of human development. The main spheres of human development are health, literacy rate and standard of living. The HDI is immensely used in academia, the media and in policy making to measure and compare progress in human development between Nations.
The aim of Human development report is to make it possible to track changes in development levels over time and to compare development levels in different countries and splits countries into four development categories: Very High Human Development, High Human Development, Medium Human Development and Low Human Development. The purpose of Human development report is to arouse the transnational policy discussions on challenges that are relevant to human development. The statistics in the report needs the highest standards of data quality and authenticity.

Beginning of HDI
 It was a discourse initiated by the economists, Amartya Sen and Mahbubul Haq in 1990. The beginning of HDI is found in the United Nations Development Programme. The main purpose of this statistical measure is “to shift the focus of development economics from National Income accounting to people centered policies”. Mahbub ul Haq worked with a number of development economists like Gustaw Ranis, Keith Griffin, and Francis Stewart. The Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen’s work on capabilities and functioning that presented the base conceptual framework. Mahbub ul Haq was sure that a simple composite measure of human development was needed in order to convince the public, academics and policy makers that they can and should evaluate development not only by economic advances but also improvements in human well being. Sen initially opposed this idea, but he went on to help Haq develop the index. Sen was worried that it was tough to capture full complexity of human capabilities in a single index but Haq persuaded him that only a single number would shift the attention of policy makers from concentration on economic to human well being.
HDI objectives and Process
In keeping with its objectives, the HDI projects go through three stages of project implementation. All of these steps are undertaken in collaboration with community members.
1.      Participatory needs assessments
2.      Collective community analysis, discussion and agreement of needs and ways of agreement of needs and ways of addressing them.
3.      Capacity/skills building
4.      Implementation of activities
Project activities begin with meetings with target communities to determine what they feel are their most pressing needs in terms of their livelihoods and well being.
            Once needs have been identified and agreement reached upon the most urgent ones, project staff discuss with communities possible ways of addressing them. More values is attached by communities to those assets in which they have made a personal investment, as opposite to those which were provided without discussion with them, and in which they have had no stake. Furthermore, such community investment is more likely to be maintained by the community.
            Thus, communities discuss and agree upon ways and means by which they can contribute towards collaborative activities to improve community assets, such as necessary renovation or the reclamation of a village pond, as well as income generating opportunities that will improve their livelihood in a sustainable manner. The experience of the HDI has been that communities are willing to play their part in such collaboration, particularly for such basic assets as a clean supply of water or for a village school, which is also a source of pride and hope for communities.

Live True! Live Original!

This dialogue is between a grandfather and a grandson.  Malik sahab, a Kashmiri writer, who is not much famous, is attending a seminar on Mehjoor at SKICC Srinagar. He has also taken his grandson Ali with him. During the break in seminar at buffet, the dialogue starts.
Malik saib: Ali! You must always strive to live true.
Ali: I didn’t understand, Dadu.
Malik saib: Son, we have learnt wearing masks. Look at faces, all fabricated appearances.
Ali: But, they look happy, Dadu. Aren’t their faces shinning with smiles?
Malik saib: The face is a dangerous destructor of originality, Ali. I know it is hard for you at this age to introspect this.
Ali: Is it bad Dadu to wear a smile on one’s face?
Malik saib: No my child, it is not. But, the face must reflect the truth of smile and the eyes shouldn’t be cold as ice.
Ali: You know Dadu; here, today, I feel the same, as I feel at Lal chowk when sometimes Abu takes me with him to shop. It burdens my heart there. The sounds of these huge laughs and the cacophony of Lal chowk crowds seem similar.
Malik saib: Ah! My son, this is the stage of innocence, haunted and perturbed by heinous materialism.
Ali: Materialism it is. It bleeds peace in us. Isn’t it Dadu?
Malik saib: Right my child, it does. Beware of it and remember always, Happiness, peace and originality are in living true.


Word count:


Kashmir, being a conflict zone, has been always a catch for local, national and international media. People are much keen and concerned about the news media in Kashmir then other fields of media. Kashmir issue has gained popularity globally. Media plays a great role in a nation to define a society. It defines a common language of the society. Agenda setting in perspective of Kashmir has been always of great significance to discuss and ponder. Agenda-setting is a process where media determines and judges the importance of issues after understanding popular feeling and giving expression to it. It arouses among the people certain desirable sentiments. It is also set an agenda that exposes fearlessly popular defects in a society. Agenda setting is done in different forms. If the agenda is filled and influenced by the robust ideologies of media owners, then it can be termed as Media agenda. It can be due to vested interests. Mainstream media in Kashmir, is rarely taken as a benefactor in agenda setting. There can be many reasons for it. It can be because, the role, in setting an agenda, in Kashmir is much played by the National media, which is always taken in pejorative approach for making Media bias. The other reason is itself the threat of mobilizing the mass audience to make an agitation. It has been always very hard for the editors or owners to set an agenda.
            We have an example of an early uprising and turmoil of 2008 and 2010. In 2008, it was media that set an agenda in regard of environmental concerns, which later led to mass agitation. In crux, it can be said that the media in Kashmir is different in tone and way in setting an agenda mainly because of its Geo-political conflicts.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

"Thou should never get drowned by miseries, thou should adore relishing thy life appreciating the responsibilities" -Waqas Khan
£ive True!
£ive Original!

A quote

An absolute state of my mind and Heart!

"Ba jurrat Qalb hai mera, Bahr-e-Ishq mai doobh Gaya;
faqat wo Kastoora talaash hai, ataa kare Jo Moti mera"

Waqas Kh'an

Courageous is my heart, it drowned deep in the ocean of Love.
The Search is confined for that Oyster, whch will labour forth my pearl"

Let wind carry my words!

Benediction for Muslim Ummah

Allahumman suril Mujahideen fil falasteen, Allahumman suril Mujahideen  fi sheshan, wa fi khorasan, wa fi kuli maqaam.!

Allahumma anzil ala yahudu fil Israela ba'sa kallazi la taruduhu anil qaumil jabireena wal mushrikeen!

Allahumman suril islama nasran azizaa waftahlahu fatham mubina wa qareeba!

Allahummar ruzka shahadata fi sabilik!

Allahumma atina khilafah ala minhajin nubuwwah fil bakistani ma'a kashmir awwalan wa baadi kulli maqama minaddunya!

Ameen ya rabbal Alameen!

In Solidarity with Gaza

In solidarity with Gaza.

Oh cold puffs of vale, convey our painful tale.

To the earth of palestine,
where Quds does shine.

There Gaza is bleeding peace,
and we too aren't at ease.

I wish I could share your bullets and pain,
Alas! My brother I am too tied in chain!

Labaik Ya ikhwan fil Islaam
Naseeruna Rabul kaabatul Haraam.

By Waqas Kh'an

Friday 16 November 2012

For a teacher.

It is hard to introspect a girl through the eyes of a boy like me. Be it, a teacher, a friend or my siblings, as I have always taken this subject of quite meager concern. But, I find a persona of a teacher through my profound vision. I like the ways she glitters herself with her cheering nature. The way she speaks seems the pearls being taken out of the shells. The way she scents feels like the flowers perspire musk in the hot summer. The way she walks on surface seems so serious from her posture-so stalwart, but rarely successful in ignoring my glossy innocent catch. the way she stops, Wow! turns the air around to have a solid face. She looks so soft by heart yet strengthening others. She makes us to learn in ways she changes her attire.

Mine concern may not touch your life, but yours is making for me.
I must admit, "I like a teacher who gives me something to take home to think about besides homework" 

Who is a human being?

Human being is titled as the “crown of creation”. God created this creation with intention to represent his mighty attributes in the world. A creation infused with two basic instincts; will and Conscience. Creation that lives under the sun is the reflection of God’s supreme might. It is the God’s representative and the partner of devil as well. A human being is most complex creation on the surface of earth to define. The creation questioned by the angel and envied by the devil. He is sometimes epitome of cruelty and at times an ocean of forgiveness
            Human isn’t not mere a creation of flesh and bones. Talking human being as the bundle of emotions and feelings; it is the only being that has got mental faculty to understand, comprehend and judge between right and the wrong. This rarity of status is only given to human beings. The six basic emotions a person possesses are love, hatred, sadness, happiness, anger and fear. Hidden or expressed, man always has some kind of emotions alive in him. Emotions can be negative and positive as well. Negative emotions have an unhealthy impact on one’s life. It can make him isolated and forlorn. If the emotions are positive, it plays a great role to make human’s life peaceful and successful.  
            A creation, that plays a benevolent for the world in shapes of prophets; and at moments malevolent in shapes of Hitlers. It is a herculean task to expound a human being completely. Understanding a human being through the eyes of relationship, we come to know that a human being plays numerous roles. A mother is a human being who keeps her child in her womb for nine months for the sake of that relationship which is bonded with a feeling called love. The father, who fosters his child, makes his child the prime motive of his life. We have numerous examples of the bondage of relations that makes human peerless from others.
            There are essential elements that comprise the personality of a human being. The major three can be said as-the wit, heart and soul.
 Human is differentiated by another godly gift from other creation-wit. It is the wit that has made him to conquer the world. It is the wit that has enabled him to rule the creation mightier than him. It is his wit that made him to play God at times. Humans have the ability to transform the world through this robust wit.
            The heart is the dwelling place of the human beings. It is this heart which makes him to receive the emotions. It is heart which is said to make human, a human. The expounder and imbiber of emotions is the heart. The heart makes a man to get accustomed with different emotions and feelings. If heart ceases to act human, we can’t be human.
            The soul mainly refers to the two fundamental instincts or intuition that God infused in a human- will and conscience. The ‘will’ powers and enables a human being to be free to make judgements to distinguish between right and wrong. Conscience is the other instinct that God induced in a human. It is the conscience that pacifies a human on doing good and maligns him on doing bad.          In crux, it can be said that human being is the visualization of God’s supreme intellect and wisdom. 

Synopsis of my next story ‘A Stone Pelter’

Synopsis of my next story ‘A Stone Pelter’
This non-fiction story does toil to reflect the shift in the way of insurgency and upshot of its exploited laborers. The story is about a boy, Burhan, born in 1990 in the month of Mirwaiz Molvi Mohmmad Farooq’s assassination. Since his childhood, he grew up with lullabies and tales of Azaadi, in the core of Srinagar- Mujahid Manzil. He has been passionate, as any other youth of Shahre Khaas-down town, about struggle of freedom. He has been all agog for an occasion to bear out his passion since he put to think. Through a peer, he starts visiting office of Tahreek-e-Hurriyat (G) in 2006 and gets motivated and imbibed with the Pro- Islamic Ideology for freedom struggle. The ideology would be so enthusiastic for a Muslim teenaged boy, as to put his life on peril. He gets the opening in 2006 protests, the agitation where people were protesting against Afzal Guru’s death penalty by the supreme court of India. This was a time when armed struggle was at its low ebb; and the era had reverted to stone pelting. Burhan commences his activity in stone pelting in 2006 and sustains it, till he gets arrested by the state police on 9th July 2010.-the year of new Intifada in Kashmir. After his arrest, he gets barred in nearest police station at Maharaj Gunj where from he is shifted to many other police stations for FIRs, investigations and interrogations. Stone in his hand eventually makes his arrival at the central jail of Srinagar. Although, he feels himself relieved from the torture of state police; but is often haunted by the walls of the Jail which stands in front of him like a leviathan. He meets many veteran Pro freedom leaders, his contemporary stone Pelters, and Mujahideen of Kashmir in prison. He comes across some non Kashmiri militants from Pakistan and Afghanistan in jail, which makes him to feel proud about his being in jail. The silence and solitude of jail puts him to think about his exploitation. He is reallocated to Rajouri District jail from Srinagar, where he encounters many criminals. His shifts become usual, for he is called by JICs and interrogated. Eventually, he gets released on 31st May 2011.
  Although, completing his imprisonment with so much of agony, Burhan is still jailed with memories.

Media Culturalist theory

       One of the most influential sociological perspectives that define the role of media that exists is Culturalist theory. The theory is to an extent an inter-mediation between its co theories. In contrast to Limited effects theory and class dominant theory, it makes the audience an active role player in media. It speaks and exaggerates the significance of audience or onlookers in media. As it propounds that the spectators are free to carve and derive the meaning out of the content provided by the media. It contrast with the limited effects theory on the bases that media does provide an opportunity to audience to be the opinion leaders.
            Secondly, it says one strand focuses on the audience and there form of interaction with media; and other strand of research focus on the makers and stake holders of media. Theorists also laid stress over the active role played by the audience by their choice for the content, as they have large variety and options to choose what to watch and how much to watch. They have easy gadgets through which they can easily stop the utilization of media or access to it. Linguists has also pondered and thought about the concept of theories and has expounded that end users or the audience interpret and understand differently as per their own pondering and interpretation of the content they choose to watch. 

Media Audience and its power

‘I don't want to be above my audience; I want to be one with my audience.’ –Katy Perry
The study of audience has been always a subject of concern and high value in both psychology and sociology.  The audience has been an inter-disciplinary area related to sociology, psychology, anthropology, communication studies etc. It is of great significance to study almost all the branches of social science to understand a very profound concept- Audience. Mid 20th century has played a vital role in expounding us the concept of audience. If we go through the literal meaning of audience, we will find numerous definitions and explanations. To define this broader term in crux is not fully possible as the meaning of audience differs with the addresser as well. For example, to a writer, a reader is an audience; to a speaker, an onlooker is the audience; to a teacher a student is the audience. In gist, we can say a group of people that witness something becomes the audience. The general understanding of audience is complex. Its concepts has been categorized and classified under different areas. As far as our field is concerned, we are much related to the concept of Media Audience. The understanding of the concept of Media audience must be followed by the strength it gained or does possess. Though, if in certain areas Media has weakened its audience but has strengthened in many ways. It is Media that has made its audience to mould the type of content they wish to watch. Commercialization and competition has also helped Media Audience in gaining power. The ideas of good and needed content demand rose, determining the power of Media Audience. The bills been passed for the content betterment can justify the power of Media Audience. The access of many elements of Media also gave numerous benefits to strengthen the audience. Convergence made Media Audience so powerful that even gave rise to citizen Journalism. The interactivity of Media, which is still, in progressing approach made Media Audience to achieve and imbibe a lot of strength. To do justice with the theme-Audience (Media) and its power, I have tried to define the things under the subheads mentioned and summarized below:
1.      Definition and introduction of Media Audience
2.      Media audience and public opinion
3.      Media audience and Agenda Setting
4.      Media audience and Culturalist theory
Definition and introduction of Media Audience
The definition of Media audience depends on one’s own perspective of the role of Media in a society. For example, if we take Media as means of selling commodities and products, then our Audience is no one except the potential consumers or the end users of that product; and if we take Media as a means of social good, a public resource and a public service, then Media Audience would be a community which is much concerned about their rights, duties, freedom and other social values. On the other hand if Media is serving a society with information, education and entertainment then Media Audience; would be that chunk of people who are mainly related to that. Further, if Media is propagating the ideologies, be it political, religious or social, the ‘Media audience’ would be that group of people who wish to get accustomed to such propagation. Thus, the definition of Media Audience itself cannot be specific unless the Media as a term makes itself specific.
            A Media audience is not parallel as the audience of a political gathering or a theatrical performance. Sociologists define this audience as conventionalized crowd. Whereas, Media audience is more than a conventionalized crowd because Media audience is collectivity of readers, listeners, onlookers, spectators at one place and even sometimes at one time. Convergence can be held responsible to specify this definition of Media audience. Media audience can be further classified as:
a)     Potential Media Audience
b)     Target Media Audience
c)     Mass Media audience
Potential Media audience
Potential Media audience can be defined as that Media Audience which is capable of utilizing the means and source of Media Addressers. These are the undone products of a Media Stake holder or owner. The Media owner is much concerned about the conversion of this potential Media audience to Target Audience. Its rise and lengthening depends on transforming this potential Media Audience into Target Audience.
Target Media Audience
Target Media Audience can be defined as that Media Audience which is loyal and statistically set Audience for a Media Stakeholder or Media owner. It is that chunk of Media Audience on which the survival of the Media Company or Media source is depending. Mainly, the changes and variations are meant for this group of audience to keep them loyal and all agog.
Mass Media Audience
The large number of audience which is free and flexible to every element of Media is termed as Mass Media audience. Though, the above two types are actually the outcome of the Mass Media Audience, but is necessary to note that some of the sociologist have classified it differently as a kind of Media audience.
Media Audience and public opinion
The strength and power of Media audience can be understood by the power gained by them for expressing their public opinion on a platform. As Media is termed ‘the Forth Estate of Democracy’ it is actually in regard of Media audience. The most important and valuable thing in a democratic setup of government is freedom of speech and expression. Mere citizenship of a nation won’t be able to consolidated the freedom of speech and expression, it is the being of Media Audience which makes a person to have, to practice or to fight for his rights and public opinion on a larger platform.
Media Audience and Agenda Setting
The term ‘Agenda setting’ was coined by Malcolm McCoombs and Donald Shaw in 1976. They went to argue that ‘audience not only learn about public issues and other matters through the Media; they also learn how much importance to attach to an issue or topic from the emphasis the mass Media place upon it’. This also gave rise to opinion leaders. The concept of opinion leaders can be well understood by an example. Suppose, we have a person in our locale who remains much concerned with the happenings of world affairs, and there are people who don’t know or know little about the world happenings. The person who is source full about the world news is taken more like a leader to set opinion over his concern to world affairs and thus becomes an opinion leader for those fellow beings of his society who are unaware of the world happenings. Thus, it can be perceived that how Media audience strengthened themselves- through Agenda setting, with the power of leadership and rye-makers. Opinion leaders or in broader vision the Agenda setters not only strengthens the Media Audience but also work hard for making the public opinion significant. The power of these opinion leaders can be taken introspected at the canvassing for an election by a candidate. This can be taken as an example of the power inculcated in the Media audience.
Media and culturalist theory
One of the most influential sociological perspectives that define the role of Media Audience is Culturalist theory. The theory is to an extent an inter Mediation between its co theories- the Limited-effects theory and the Class-dominant theory. In contrast to Limited effects theory and class dominant theory, it makes the audience an active role player in Media. It speaks and exaggerates the significance of audience or onlookers in Media. As it propounds that the spectators are free to carve and derive the meaning out of the content provided by the Media. It contrasts with the limited effects theory on the bases that Media does provide an opportunity to audience to be the opinion leaders. Culturalist theory has played a vital role in defining the strength of Media audience. In early time of press, there was not such strength in the Media audience. The reason was less technological inclusion or advancement. The elements were limited and the audiences were also limited. The theory developed in 1980s and 1990s. The proposing of this theory was the result of technological advance and diversity in Media elements. Therefore, culturalist theorists claim that, while a few elite in large corporations may exert significant control over what information Media produces and distributes, personal perspective plays a vital role in how the Media Audience interpret those messages.
            Secondly, it says one strand focuses on the audience and there form of interaction with Media; and other strand of research focus on the makers and stake holders of Media. Theorists also laid stress over the active role played by the audience by their choice for the content, as they have large variety and options to choose what to watch and how much to watch. They have easy gadgets through which they can easily stop the utilization of Media or access to it. Linguists has also pondered and thought about the concept of theories and has expounded that end users or the audience interpret and understand differently as per their own pondering and interpretation of the content they choose to watch.
The conclusion can be drawn simply by making a contrast between a fellow who is detached from Media and the one who is accustomed and acclimatized by the Media. In other words we can say that to see a difference between citizens of a nation who are not informed about the happenings, surroundings, contemporary issues and those who are aware about everything mentioned; who will make a good nation or who have the power and strength to make a good nation or to develop it? The answer is obvious. It will be those who know. Media audience has always been the mobilizing factor for any nation to develop and progress. It was the Media audience, in the pages of history, who by the initiative of James Silk Buckingham made it possible to bring social reforms and later the mobilization and revolution for the freedom struggle in India. The askers and fighters for true Public opinion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of press has been always those who made themselves genuine Media Audience. I leave reader with this quote to ponder over:
‘It requires wisdom to understand wisdom; the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.’- Walter Lippmann