Monday 9 September 2013

Caught in encounter by Waqas Khan

Caught in encounter
by Waqas Khan
“Every second person in Kashmir has a story to narrate.” This was the last statement our teacher made in his lecture that day, March 18th.... After the lecture finished, I and my classmates were given an assignment by our teacher to find a story on the road or to look for those ‘second’ persons who could narrate us a story. We as usual took more happiness in going out together then to find a story to submit as our assignment. We went to our well fixed Chai Walaa on Bund to have tea first. Long time before, the spot was decided to be a place to discuss issues of high significance like Kashmir conflict, geo politics, religion and so on… But, the meeting only served the purpose of stimulating our brains with tea; filling our bellies with samosas; and mostly jeering over our classmates’ peculiar attitudes.
After we finished tea we reluctantly scattered to find story for our assignment. I talked to many people but didn’t get any respond. Then I did realize how hard it is finding that ‘second person’ and I shouldn’t have taken teacher’s saying so religiously. I finally took some rest on an iron bench in Jehlum view Park at the Bund. There was another boy sitting on the same bench. I started talking to him and fortunately he was chatty. His name was Mohammad Arif. 28 years old. He was from Chadoora. He had a fistful of beard and trimmed moustache. His face had dark skin tone. He was robust. He was wearing dark blue jeans and hooded upper. He said that he deals with the sale and service of computers. I asked him directly in a weary tone, “Does he remember any incident related to conflict?” He said, “Many.”
I got my spiral note-book and Pen passionately as if I was induced with some steroid. He narrated a personal episode.
‘I would go to my friend’s house to relish some puffs of cancer. Their cowshed used to be a safe place for whipping cigarettes.’ He said it jokily, smoking a king-size Gold Flake cigarette.
He said, ‘It was early January in 2000 or late December 1999, when one of the fierce encounters, between the armed insurgents of Kashmir and Indian troops, stroke Wathoora in district Budgam. I was going to Mushtaq’s house for smoking cigarettes as usual. We spent the time together in the cowshed that day till noon. Mushtaq and I went back to his home for having food. When we entered into the house, we saw an armed man entering after us. He was a Kashmiri rebel. He asked for other exit. Mushtaq showed him the way through kitchen veranda. When he left we peeped through the window. We saw the Indian military forces were some 200 yards away. They were speedy in their moves. It took them no time to enter into the house. They yelled and started banging everything inside the house and left after some time. And after few turns of second hand of the clock, we heard a shot fired. We went upstairs eagerly to see the scene. It was appalling for us. I had never seen death of a person so close to my eyes. It was agonizing.
‘Few hours later we heard that the area had been cordoned by the army. The army had reliable information about the presence of few foreign and Kashmiri armed insurgents. It was 5 pm I remember; when around 30 civilians- mostly old men and children, were taken by the army out of their houses. Mushtaq and I were among them. We (30 civilians) were grouped then for their respective sets of forces. I and Mushtaq were put in different groups. Meanwhile, the others assemblage of troops had cordoned the whole village. It was a big village comprising of more than 300 houses. We were made a brilliant shield by army men. They would break into the houses bringing us in front. They used to tell us to recite something from the Qur’an or some Kalimah. They were sure that the insurgents would not kill us. And through our help they would come to know about the insurgent’s whereabouts to confront them easily.
‘After a while, I and an old man of that village were directed inside the house by army to search for the rebels. In one of the room, we saw a stout man with long beard reciting Holy Quran. I stammered to him that army had sent us to disclose their location. Even today, I can recollect that smile on brave man’s face. I can undoubtedly tell you that no one except those who love and fear their lord, have clean consciences have that charm. Meanwhile, I heard the old man sobbing. The beard man told him robustly that he should not fear death, ‘for death is not to be feared but to be accepted with a smile.’ He then told us to reveal the truth to the army men about him, for if we would not do it, they would even slaughter us. We did the same. He managed to escape from the house, but he was chased and killed
‘For next two days, we would only hear the sporadic gunshots, mine blasts and dreadful laments of women. My family informed me later that the troops provided media with incorrect information. As per the troops twelve houses were gutted instead of 94 and few cowsheds out of twenty.
‘Among my group mates, I was much close to captain Kathoj (from Punjab). He used to manage all our essentialities. He would tell our group that the act of armed insurgents was not courageous rather filled with cowardice, for when they have had insurgency in Punjab, the rebels used to send letters to forces to battle in the open grounds or fields, and not making common people shelter for them. I couldn’t ask him that time who is actually making us a shield?
‘The forth day of siege became terrible. Two young girls were shot dead when they went outside for the call of nature. Later it was reflected in media as a cross firing incident. When Siege was lifted on the forth day, I went to my home- a kilometer away from the scene. I remember I was caressed by family and the people of my village.’
Muhammad Arif was waiting for a person from J&K bank, whom he had to handover an Income Tax Report.

Feeling (Ehsaas) with reality (Haqeeqat)

Feeling (Ehsaas) with reality (Haqeeqat)

Keeping self-interested feeling and attributing it to bring peace in Kashmir is futile, until one feels the reality of the vale of Kashmir which continues to bleed peace. The factual stories of Innocent killings, enforced disappearances, fake encounters are the ‘symphonies’ to understand the actuality of the perpetrators and the sufferings of the oppressed. It distresses a common Kashmiri more when the feeling for Kashmir is thought to be created with an alien language and merely for those who couldn’t and don’t understand in their own tongue.
The parallel concert- Haqeeqat e Kashmir (Reality of Kashmir), organized by the civil society of Kashmir to protest Zubin Mehta’s concert proved it today after hundreds of Kashmiris came to witness the concert in the municipal Park near Lal chowk, despite hundred others were restricted by police to enter. The protest concert was held at the same moment in the park when music Director of Israel Philanharmonic orchestra Zubin Mehta was playing western classical symphonies in the Shalimar Garden. The multi facet parallel concert organized by the civil society determined that acquainting with the reality (Haqeeqat) of Kashmir prioritizes for having the real sense (Ehsaas) of bringing peace in Kashmir. The protest concert (Haqeeqat e Kashmir); packed with poetry recitation, stage dramas and folk art attained triumph today. For they had neither big light to illuminate the stage nor remarkable music system; not even any big artists to perform, but they had the soul, a shared aim- a feeling with reality. 

Introduction and origin of Public relation

Public relation is an inter-disciplinary study involving human psychology, anthropology, sociology, mass media modern communication, and scientific management. It can be called as a human skill in its core definition. Public relation is a developed study in social science, focusing on social communication. This field of social science emphasizes on creating a consensus among different assemblages for maintaining the social relations primarily. The objective of this discourse is to keep equilibrium between the stake holders and the related public to the organizations. The process begins with examining and analyzing the subjects- the organization or an individual; and the objects- the public, internal as well as external. In other terms, it can be said that it tries to develop an agreed opinion among the people of the organization and outside institutions. Further,it builds deliberate and researched plans and executes these plans in accordance with the management with the efficient use of communication techniques and tools. Most significantly, media is the source of disseminating of the information for the public relation bodies.
Origin of Public relation
 The origin of public relation is as aged as the society itself. For example, according to Cultip et al. (2000: 102), “The communication of information to influence view points or actions can be traced from the earliest civilizations. Archaeologists found a farm bulletin in Iraq that told the farmers of 1800 B.C how to sow their crops, how to irrigate. Public relations was used many centuries ago in England, where King’s maintained lord Chancellors as ‘keepers of the King’s conscience.”  PR started as a practice of human skills very early in the history, soon after the tribal system of governance changed to societal.  The PR in our understanding today, began in the last years of the 19th century and in the early 20th century. Early practitioners were known as publicists. The fundamental illustration is found in the career and practice of two PR’s most influential figures-Ivy Ledbetter Lee (1877-1934) and Edward Bernays (1891-1955). Lee and Bernays were contemporaries but differed in the practice and idea of the PR. Lee considered it more of an Art where in creativity, innovation and soft skills are critical whereas Bernays influenced by the Psychological ideology of his uncle Sigmund Freud, considered it more of a scientific practice. The conditions and the ambiance under which the PR came out as a developed discourse and practice is found during the First World War and making its bases in USA. The development of PR practice and study evolved in the countries having close links to USA. For example Brazil developed in PR very early in the 20th century. And china which had not much close ties with US developed very late in the public relations.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

State of mind… 02/09/2013

I know not what came out today through the 'pen'… something I know not who was writing… me or who??? I may laugh tomorrow for what I wrote today... as I only heard the inside of me and saw only my thumb moving on the keypad of my mobile phone... here it is...

I sat today on the river side under the dark sky. There was neither any friend nor a star to accompany me. I crossed my arms as I felt cold. It was not for the weather but the cold inside me. My heart was eager to question my identity what chapter of life it is. I feel in it like I am losing my ability or at times I am growing. I feel like a child whose toy has been snatched by an adult. I feel no solace in the room of my house. Is it a curse of the walls or the books around me? I feel like a boatman whose boat is holed and water sinking the boat. I become positive at occasions as if I am the change maker in the world and at moments negative feeling that I am not sufficiently expert to control my mind. Is it that my mentors don’t inspire me anymore or teachers underrate me? I feel myself surrounded by the multiple thoughts of who I am becoming and who I had intended to become. I feel myself losing the strength. I am seeing the light falling on the dark river flowing in front of my eyes giggling at me. I know not what will become of me when I fall down or rise up. I see people and places of different thoughts, why don’t their opinions resemble with me. Immediate decisions are coming out, perhaps as a result of extreme nuisance. I feel every small thing in the world talking to me. Sharing their tales and making me witness to that. I wander in the unknown vale with them. A thought asking for my existence in the universe and another of the meager concern like the tablet one should take for severe headache. I feel my words failing and the nib of the pen broken… I feel my heart crying now; my identity losing; my self alone; my eyes weary ; my hands paining ; my limbs stopping; my heart sleeping; my world artificial. I wish my heart yell out and ask my creator to have his hand over his tired, irritated and ungrateful servant now…